Date Tags git / cool tool (< 1 min read)

Today, I was working through an old repo - trying to understand what the hell had happened during its history - when I thought, "I wish there was some way I could just watch the git commits, like a movie, like a ghostly async pair programming exercise."

A quick google found me this:

After some faffery around installing from source, I'll save you the trouble and tell you that:

brew install gource

worked fine (on my OSX).

And now... voila, some snippets from pandas:

oooooh aaaaah

You can jump around the timeline; you can pause time and explore. It seems like you can also click on people or files and follow them. One thing I don't like is that jumping in time refreshes the screen - i.e. it doesn't show you how big the project has become e.g. from 2009 to 2014. But there's probably a way around that.

Very, very cool.

Now someone just needs to write a way to replay git commits in a fake pair programming environment.