Hello! Some nice things I've been using lately:

zoxide: Smarter cd

zoxide is great - it keeps a "memory" of the directories you've been in and, once you've visited them, you can revisit them using something like z blog and it'll jump you to whichever recent directory had blog in the path. Much, much more streamlined than cd /some/super/long/path, or making a bunch of aliases for such cds (as I have done in the past).

mcfly: Smarter reverse-search

Same deal as above: you type ctrl+r and it launches a smarter search window of your old commands. HANDY.

Prompt colors

I wanted to bedazzle my prompt, own it, express my - ahem - creative individuality. Also I wanted to fem it up. I use the pure theme for zsh, and it was as easy as adding this to my ~/.zshrc:

prompt pure
zstyle :prompt:pure:path color "#af87d7"
zstyle :prompt:pure:prompt:success color "#af87d7"